Review of theory test fees
A consultation on changes to theory test fees has been launched today.
The cost of the driving theory test could be cut by 25%, saving learner drivers £14.5m a year.
The proposals, which could save learner drivers in excess of £100m over the next 9 years, are contained in a public consultation on changes to theory test fees. The plans would see the cost of a car driving theory test fall by £6 in October this year, taking the cost of a test from £31 to £25, with a further drop of £2 planned in October 2015.
The consultation follows the government’s commitment to reduce the cost of motoring. It also sets out proposed reductions for motorcycle, bus and lorry theory tests.
Passing the savings onto our customers DVSA Chief Executive, Alastair Peoples, said:
“By agreeing new contract arrangements for the delivery of theory tests we have secured significant cost savings, and it is right that we pass these savings on to our customers. We want to make sure that we continue to keep pace with customers’ needs and deliver services in a way which is both convenient and cost effective.”
You have until 15 May to respond.