Cheaper Car Insurance prices and young drivers benefit

Cheaper Car Insurance Prices for all

www.confused.com has announced that Car Insurance has fallen for all drivers. The cost of the annual insurance premiums have dropped approximately £140 compared to this time last year. The prices of car insurance have not dropped below £600 a year for almost 5 years.

This is fantastic news for motorists. The figures show that it has decreased for everyone of all ages and gender and across all of the country. Young drivers are seeing the biggest reduction in insurance premiums though. This has been put down to a lot of young drivers taking out telematics or black box insurance policies.

With these policeies the black box fitted to the vehicle monitors all aspects of their driving skills. These can include acceleration and breaking and passes the information back to the insurer who adjusts the premium to match the behaviour of the new driver.

One of the other reasons for the cheaper car insurance for young drivers is the legislation that forced insurers to stop using gender to set car insurance prices from December 2012.

Unfortuantely, none us know how much long these prices will stay low. But for now all motorist are benefitting from the cheaper car insurance whilst they can.

Cheaper Car Insurance prices and young drivers benefit
Vikki B: